How to look like a professional artist

Any artists trying to make a career out of art or trying to improve their social media followings wants to know how to look like a professional. You want to know this because everyone wants to be popular online, thats how you make money! Looking professional online is important so you can gain a good amount of followers and clicks to support yourself financially. Here I have 5 tips to looking like a professional artist.

Number 1 is a PORTFOLIO

The way to look like a professional artist is to have a portfolio. The purpose of a portfolio is to give the viewer a sense of the artists skill and technique. Without an organized, flippable portfolio to skim through not only does your art look sloppy, but it also doesnt portray your theme or niche very well. A portfolio has 15-20 featured artworks put into sleeves in a binder to display to someone what your art says about you. It could also be a digital portfolio that you keep on your laptop in your files so it is easily accessible online. A portfolio will have art pieces that really portray your theme or niche which brings us to our second tip…

Number 2 is a Niche

Every online resource says to have a niche or theme that says “this is me” and theyre all right. Having something that represents you or an idea or style or theme is important because people like to see aesthetic posts that have a nice color scheme and lettering. People want to see things they like and even as a starting artist you need to think about your niche. If you cant think of anything just make your style of art your theme, it is you, use a symbol of something you draw alot or pull alot of inspo from and use that. Setting all your social medias to match this theme will make your art sell better and receive more views.

Number 3 is Touch Ups

Digitally editing can really make an art piece go from “meh” to “wow” in a few small hacks with photoshop and the right program. Maybe adjust the proportions or saturate the colors to the way you like them. I personally like to make all my pieces have the same size borders and I like to clean up the smudges in the white space to make it look clean. You could also go in and thicken some lines or make others thinner, anything you want to change or perfect can be done on your computer at home. If you want to touch up traditional art I still like to put the same size white boarders and clean up smudges in the white space. Touching up your art of any kind will make it look more professional.

Number 4 Branding

Another way to be a professional artist is to have a brand and market that. You are pretty much selling yourself when you decide to start a business in art and branding yourself is an important step to be seen by others as a business. Pick a logo so people will remember your name and what you do. Another thing to think of is a moto. Like how nike says “just do it” or Tony the Tiger says “theyre ggggreat” you also need a moto that people will say and think of you. You want this to be a call to action, something that will make people think “i need that, i want that”. Link all of your social medias together and have many of them. Make the profile pictures and names the same. You should have every one of your art social media looking identical to each other but the content can be slightly different but overall the same theme. Essentially you want to spread your name and brand across different platforms.

Number 5 is Consistency

Although this is number five on my list it is number one in importance. Being a professional artist means being consistent in your work and keeping a good schedule for posting content and creating content and taking the time to record yourself creating content. Being an artist is hard but when you stay consistent online and continue making new art you should eventually reach your goal. A good time to post would be twice a week but when you first start you should post quality content everyday for a week and then slowly drop it down to a consistent twice a week. Keep the same theme throughout your process and dont change topics that make your content seem inconsistent

That’s 5 tips to look like a more professional artist. If you liked these tips or they help you in your art business you can subscribe to my blog here for more art information. You can also buy my art prints and designs on Inprint if you want to support a small business. If you just want to support what I’m doing or like my work you can also find Golden Art on Instagram, tiktok and Pinterest. Thank you for reading and have a great day!