
My mission with this blog is to share my knowledge and art skills and hopefully gain an appreciation for what I do. My goal is to express my love of art and show how it connects with our daily lives. “Bring the magic home” is not just a header to catch your attention, but a reminder that we as individuals are responsible for our own happiness and life is a little better with some magic.

My art captures realism and fantasy with deep emotion that represents the importance of life and nature. My blogs are artist lifestyle posts that inform and explain how to create your own masterpieces at home. Ive been drawing and painting my whole life but only within the past couple years did i decide i wanted to make art more involved in my life by selling my creations and telling about my process. Ive been through a series of events that have made me realize i want to live as simply and naturally as possible. The ultimate goal of this blog is to spread the word about my art so that i can start building an income online. I want to work from home and grow a garden and raise rabbits and chickens and be self sufficient all from home.

You as the viewer will find tutorials on shading, colors, lines, watercolor, acrylic and many other art skills to learn on this page. Here you will also find product reviews and recommendations of products i use myself so their will never be spam or fraud on my posts. If you want to stay updated on what’s going on in my artist world then subscribe to my blog here or sign up for my email list here. You can also follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest to stay up to date or if you want to Bring the magic home you can buy my art on Inprint and have it put on anything you like. Thank you everyone for the support you give me and don’t forget to sign up for the email list!